
Thursday, December 31, 2015

The New Year's Eve

The end of 2015, The beginning of 2016

I figured out this is the best place to get wordy with reflections of the year. Though it's kinda cliche. I guess when you look back in years to come. It'll be pretty interesting isn't it!

So this year (phew, I had to heave a breathe) has been epic I would say. 10 things I did in 2015.

1. Said goodbye to the love I had for 3 1/2 years
2. Explored half of Japan by myself
3. Took up something new, Korean language, Kickboxing and got my PADI cert!
4. Said I love you more to family and friends
5. Opened the doors to meeting new people
6. Stopped alcohol intake except for a few occasions
7. Rekindle a lost friendship
8. Lowered my expectations of others
9. Got a little fitter than before
10. Went to an overseas music festival and made new friends

I'm not sure how I feel about this year. But given that during this month I caught up with many of my friends, I feel greatly blessed. I've said it before and I'm gonna say it again. Thank you all who continues to stay by my side! I love youuuuuuuuu *hugs*

While I've gained new sense of independence from leaving a long relationship. I realised that I'm not in a hurry to be with anyone. I think and believe that love will find its way. For now, I've f*ing 26 and I don't care about being single af. There's something about growing older and being more confident you know. I don't think I'm like that at 18. Although there's been a long string of bad dates this year, but at the very least, it's pretty entertaining. I met so many kinds of character. And you know, I tend to like someone easily. That's the bane of my life I think. But let's get it straight, liking and loving someone is totally different.

Friends. I'm just glad for taking that first step to mending back a friendship. It's like S and I personally know a lot about each other, or we somehow get each other despite different personality changes throughout the years. The minute we talked it's like no awkward silences. I'm so happy for that! Also, got closer to my usual group of party girls. We hang out more, go on overseas trip and basically stand for each other. Motto of our squad: No judging!

Travelling. I would say that my last trip to Japan was the most memorable part of 2015. Being lost in Miyako island was something man. And I felt revitalise there?! It's so quiet, calm, magical and breathe-taking. I can't believe the solo trip was the best one of 2015 lol. Come 2016 I plan to take on US, Europe, Japan x 2 (yes again!), Maldives (fingers cross), Philippines and Taiwan. So far for now!

And that's it!
Love more, Laugh more x

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Travel Plans

I've just booked my flights to the US!
*throws confetti*
So exciting. I never really wanted to go to US to be honest. But I guess the more I research, the more I wanna go. So yes, while I'll be in Vegas with my friends in June, following journey to LA, San Francisco and NYC I'd be doing by myself! Friends who wants to join me, holla.

Now, I'm in a dilemma when to travel to Europe. Also which countries as well. Seems like Sweden is not so safe with all that drama about the incoming immigrants/refugees. Sigh. I really wanna do the Scandinavian countries. 

PS. My "free" flights voucher is here. But I still need to pay taxes and all for it. So, life is not that simple huh! I'd just take it as a cheaper flight fare to pay.

Monday, December 7, 2015


Let’s say, for example, it’s your dream to get a job being a photographer at Disney World (I’m kind of a Disney fanatic, if you can’t tell).

Even though the salary isn’t comparable to what you’ve made or are currently making now, pursuing what you want to do makes you more wealthy than doing a job you hate.

Remember when you turned 21? You were in college, working 25 hours a week in retail and living off ramen noodles.

But you had the time of your f*cking life.

Same concept. If it’s what makes you happy, money is on the back burner.

You don’t need a lavish lifestyle to be living your dream.


The worst thing Millennials face when they hit the quarter-life crisis is the idea of deadlines.

Just last night, I was crying over the fact I never published a book or lived in Paris. As my boyfriend reminded me last night, you are giving yourself deadlines.

Life is not a race, and it’s certainly not a competition.

Paris will always be there. If you come home and write for an hour each day, that book will get finished eventually.

So on and so forth.

When we keep putting demands on our lives and thinking everything needs to happen in a specific order, we miss out on what’s truly inspiring and fun about being 25.

I should know. I did everything in my life out of order.

- source

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Travelogue: Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan - Day 5

Morning view of Maehama Beach

I found the best way to chill on the beach.

There's so little people here. It almost feels like a private island.

My table. One word, shiok.

Check out the reefs at Yoshino Beach man. Crazy or what.

I found these orange brave ones!

I like the sun's heat on my skin even though I really don't like getting too dark.
Woes of a girl.

This is how I'd like to remember my days on the beach. Happy. Blessed.

Managed to catch the sunset!

I think this was my lunch. Omu rice onigiri. Legit.

Oh my god, Kabaya, I love you so much!
My love for junk food knows no bounds. Not kidding.

The silly-happy face I have on after I crossed the sea bridge!

Day 05

Woke up early and popped by the Maehama beach! I think it looks more gorgeous when the sun is high even though it's scorching hot. Those kind that can give you the sunburn lol.

After which I decided to pay for the cab fare to and fro from Maehama to Yoshino beach. The fame beach for snorkeling! One way trip cost S$50. But I met the cutest taxi driver! Kawata san! We communicated in my broken Japanese and he even offered me coffee. So sweet right this old man. I should have taken a photo with him.

Once I arrived at Yoshino beach, I had to change to a shuttle bus to the beach because the path is so hilly and rough. 500yen for both ways! Parasol cost 1000yen and towel 200yen. Gotta be the costliest beach I've ever been to! Anyway there's a changing room there before you head to the beach. Thank god I suit up there first.

Can I say the beach is AMAZING?! (see above pictures) The freaking reef is just a footstep away from the beach. And the fishes oh man, tons of it. Waves were so strong that day though but I managed to be mind blown by what I saw (smiles)

Nothing is better to lie on the beach after a few trips into the sea hehe. I remember feeling so relaxed under my umbrella, by the beach.

Soon it was 2pm and time to head back. Anyway next time can stay longer! Make the money worth it. Just remember to get a lot of water and food. You are gonna get sooooo thirsty.

4pm and I went to rent the bicycle to attempt cycling over the Kurima Great Bridge! And I made it across the sea okay. What a feeling lol. I was spinning in the middle of the road (doing usual sofina stunts) and one side of my earrings came off and I can't find it cause cars were coming on the road. Oh well. The ups and downs of traveling is like that.

I kept saying to my head "Just enjoy the ride back." But I kept getting amazed by the scene as I ride on the bridge! Stopped countless times to take photos! Crazy already. Oh by the way the bridge is just 2km one way. Not that I'm superwoman or what. Though this entire time I've never seen anyone cycling around, much less a girl with huge earrings cycling across the sea hehe. Must be a sight. There were up-slopes here and there and it killed my legs.

Made it back to hotel in time for rush for the sunset. Barely just made it. It was a pleasant sight (: With a gross soda and yummy kabaya sticks. Took photos for a group of Japanese with beers in their hands. And that's how I ended my night!

PS. December is here. Smile more. Laugh more. Love more.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Learn To Breathe

Recently I've realised that I have become easily ticked off. I don't know what's wrong but I've been making a conscious effort to control myself whenever that happens. So here's to myself.

Do not have any expectations of others. That is the No. 1 rule. Expectations leads to disappointments. That's a fact. Do yourself a favour and throw expectations out of the window.

Slow down. Never thought I'd say this. But I reckon being busy does make me lose control of myself.

Feel the magical feeling of being amazed, intrigued and all kinds of wonderful. I read from somewhere that these kind of feelings are good for you! Just finished watching The Little Prince animation movie and I must say I was touched. It was a magical movie. And yesterday's Totem show was absolutely breathe-taking. Especially when that couple did the skating show. It was so lovely beyond words. It made me feel all fuzzy and tingling just looking at that scene. It just invokes all kinds of romance in me.

Don't hold it against anyone. When someone didn't get what you say, just repeat. When people's service is not up to standard, still say thank you.

Understand that it is alright not to be perfect. Sometimes I find that I have to be the really nice person no matter what. Don't ask me why I feel this way. I just do. Maybe it's because of my job. I digress. Really, I'm not perfect. I'm not the nicest person and I'm not the kindest person around. I don't know why I have such high expectations of myself. So to myself, you can cut yourself some slack. We are just humans.

With that, I rest my case. Looking forward to my birthday and christmas celebrations next month!

PS or maybe it's time to find me some love.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Winter 2016: Cheapest Europe Country To Fly Into From Asia For Less Than S$1,000

From Singapore
Frankfurt, Germany - $540
London, UK - $631
Athens, Greece - $648
Rome, Italy - $669
Prague, Czech Republic - $688

From KL, Malaysia
Amsterdam, Netherlands - $502
Paris, France - $508
Frankfurt, Germany - $514
London, UK - $545
Rome, Italy - $585

From Hong Kong
Amsterdam, Netherlands - $523
Milan, Italy - $543
Stockholm, Sweden -$564
Helsinki, Finland - $566
Barcelona, Spain - $571

*Prices above are in USD. Prices may change. Fares displayed are for round-trip economy.

It's interesting to see that you can get cheaper fares depending where you fly out from. So here's the research I've done! All are below S$1000. Amazing enough, I found a USD$455 return flight from Beijing to Paris! That's crazy. Anyway, I'm quite keen to get to somewhere this winter. Or perhaps in January. But we'll see! Too many travel plans already. Need to sort out my must-gos.

Monday, November 16, 2015


Damn girl. Just finished watching the fight between Ronda and Holly and I'm super impressed! I mean sure I was rooting for Ronda at first. But after watching the match, it's obvious who deserve to win it.

I'm happy for Holm really. Seeing a standing ovation from the crowd is amazing. I bet there's many supporting Ronda but you just can't deny that that was some fantastic moves pulled by Holm. I'm gobsmacked. That kick though... What a kick!

It just goes to show that one day you're in and the next day you're out. Life is so unpredictable. Okay starting kickboxing lessons next week! Something I wanted to try for a long while now. Can't wait to box and kick something. But you must know that I'm not very violent okay!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Nobody is chill.

"When someone really likes somebody else, they have no chill. Our most basic evolutionary instincts ensure this. We are physiologically aroused by the people we’re attracted to and every part of our nature compels us to pursue them – regardless of our gender or sex. We don’t forget to answer their text messages. We don’t bail on our hangouts last-minute. We don’t fail to initiate times to see them because we’re just too chill to do so. We do all of those things when we don’t care. And if we did care, we’d do something different.
If someone really likes you – and I mean really, genuinely likes you – they won’t be chill. And they won’t want you to be chill either. They’ll want you to answer your messages. To say you’re free when you genuinely are. To show up when you say you’ll show up and to admit to how you’re actually feeling."
- source

That is so true. I'm never chill about whoever I'm interested in. I hate games. You like someone, you like. If you don't, you just don't. Isn't it simpler if you showed whatever cards you're playing? But how many times have I been let down. Sometimes I think I've grown immune/numb to it. Or rather, I have this coping mechanism whenever shit like that happens. I feel less like a human really. Emotions are... complicated. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to fall in love with your best friend. It's like you already know the person inside out (mostly) and you wouldn't judge them in the world for whatever they do. And I believe true friends will definitely be on your side as well. Isn't it great? If only love works this way for me but it doesn't unfortunately.

However at the end of the day, I'd still like to believe in love.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Word: The Difference Between Needing A Man And Wanting One

This article clearly explains the state of my mind now.

“Always be the woman a man needs, not the woman who needs a man.”

Too many women are trying to find relationships instead of self-worth. Relationships, and men, are not for the inexperienced. They come when you’ve passed certain obstacles, when you’ve learned how to handle your own life.

The difference between a woman who needs a man and a woman who wants a man is simple: one woman thinks a man is the answer to all her problems, and the other woman solves her own problems.

And that divide is what changes everything.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Budget Japan: Not-So-Budget Travellers Edition

I have no idea why I keep going back to Japan like it's just right next door. Well it's not. It's freaking 7 hours of flight away. But I'm hooked. Every time when I head there it cost at the very least 2k to 3k. But you see, I don't mind! It's not very good though. In my head I know if I budget well, I can do a trip to Europe instead. Sigh the dilemma.

Anyway to get things started here's how to budget for the not-so-budget travellers! For example, I cannot stay in subpar accommodations. But I don't stay in atas hotels either. The key is to find out what you are comfortable with. And to do extensive research! Here's how to travel to Japan in 7days with a little over S$1,000.