Holla, I'm back!
So Day 3 and 4 was pretty much spent slacking at hotel, exploring beaches, looking for swimwears and just soaking up the last bits of the ocean. I'd wandered to Kata beach and Karon beach! Personally I prefer Karon beach. Check out the photos above!
Also, I managed to score 6 pairs of new bikinis! Thanks to various blogs resources, I found out that the usual price the vendors retail them for is at 390baht. And with good haggling skills, you can actually get them at 250baht! However I got some unique designs(like duo twirl strings/photo above) hence I paid 300baht each for the ones I got. Frankly speaking, S$12 for a set of bikini is not much. So yay! Anyway for own references, you can get towels for 200baht.
They will quote you a high price for EVERYTHING. So I've learned to be shameless. Most of the time I'll just bargain for 50-60% of the price and slowly work my way up. Lol. It works!
In conclusion:
Bikinis 250-300baht
Beach Lounge Seats 100baht
Towels/Scarfs 200baht
Massage 300baht
At Phuket Airport, there is a wide range of fast foods like Subway and whatnot. But once you checked in, it is crazy. There is only overpriced food and the boarding area looks like some dodgy place! Hello, burgers cost 400baht?!(S$16) drinks 75baht?!(S$3) I call it daylight robbery in Phuket. And the stalls are like some random stalls. No name brands. So for your own sake. Go to the airport slightly earlier. Have some food before checking in or have them takeaway.
I have so many people asking me about the islands and my camera for this trip! Super glad to have went and explore this little part of the country.
Finally, Here's a short video to sum up my trip!
I'll be glad to answer any questions pertaining to my trip!
till then, go travel the world and be fabulous.
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