
Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Hello there!
I'm back from Japan to Singapore and man, that was one hell of a party.

Just gotta say that LIFE REALLY IS AWESOME.
But I'll be humble and say that I'm thankful and grateful for everything right now.

Of course when I say that it doesn't mean I don't have my fair share of unfortunate stuff. I do, but I guess I'm the "half glass full" rather than the "half glass empty" person. I was down with giddiness for 2weeks and almost didn't make it for ultra. Lucky I recovered in Japan. Sounds ludicrous but it's true! I was wondering when the hell am I gonna get better everyday I couldn't stay awake for like more than 2hrs!?!? for almost 14days to boot it. And what's worse is that I feel bad for everyone cause like I literally have no energy.

But! I'm okay now, just in time (: I'm thankful to be optimistic really. And being a nurse really is a blessing. Since I have to be nice to patients on a daily basis, being nice to others isn't a difficult thing at all. (unless I don't like you, sorrynotsorry)

Okay be back soon! Otherwise there's always photo overload over at my instagram or facebook!
And friends here, I need to catch up with you all soon! love love

ultra was awesome!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Read of the day: Because you did "you"

The Opportunity of A Well-Rounded Experience

Because you did “you,” chances are you did a whole lot of stupid sh*t.

Chances are you dated that footballer who didn’t do you any good during sophomore year, and you partied too hard Friday nights during your junior year. Failing that organic chemistry course taught you what you didn’t want to do, and you had the freedom to study abroad for a whole semester in Germany.

You didn’t thrive in the comfort of two arms; maybe you sought this out, but along that journey, you found way better things.

Chances are you met hundreds of people in all your stints to find yourself, and you gave unknown things a shot. Because of this, you left college with a truly well-rounded experience.

You came to college with a sense of wonder, and you get to leave with the same wonder, just a more refined version of it.

Be in no rush to settle down. If it happens, don’t fight it, but don’t let that be a measure on which you judge the value of your college experience.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Restless Mind: Welcome

Happy Restless Tuesday.

My mind is so filled with so many things. I need an outlet to relieve. That being said, probably should start carrying a thin A4 notebook out for situations like this (laughs)

So for almost half of the day I've been contemplating on the thought of doing odd jobs overseas. Like for a really short period anywhere. Like Norway or South Korea. Workaway seems like an awesome site for these! I'm so attracted to this idea that I wonder if I don't have work now, I'll just immediately take off and work for a hostel. Just for the sake of learning new cultures, meeting new friend. Okay can, I'm up for it!

Too bad I just can't take off like that. I'll see when I can! From this month onwards to next year, it's gonna be one kind of interesting ride. I wonder how it'd go.

Oh and on that note, I'm still feeling butterflies from the call I got a while back. ARE YOU SERIOUS. I can't wait to plan something for it. Like come up with a project or some sort.

Reading has come to a hiatus cause so far the 2 consecutive book suck pretty bad that I just left it halfway. Really cannot read means cannot read. I should just give up on them and move on to another title.

Very keen to take on free diving course. Hopefully soon! Then I can go back to the sea and do more stunts. (wink)

Okinawa is like stuck on a small part of my head. I mean hotels and flights are booked but I just feel like it's not complete. I guess when you're exploring something new for the first time, it's normal? 

And! Ultra Japan in a bit! Such a last minute decision to go and seriously, life waits for no one. Just go.