
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Read of the day: Because you did "you"

The Opportunity of A Well-Rounded Experience

Because you did “you,” chances are you did a whole lot of stupid sh*t.

Chances are you dated that footballer who didn’t do you any good during sophomore year, and you partied too hard Friday nights during your junior year. Failing that organic chemistry course taught you what you didn’t want to do, and you had the freedom to study abroad for a whole semester in Germany.

You didn’t thrive in the comfort of two arms; maybe you sought this out, but along that journey, you found way better things.

Chances are you met hundreds of people in all your stints to find yourself, and you gave unknown things a shot. Because of this, you left college with a truly well-rounded experience.

You came to college with a sense of wonder, and you get to leave with the same wonder, just a more refined version of it.

Be in no rush to settle down. If it happens, don’t fight it, but don’t let that be a measure on which you judge the value of your college experience.

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