
Monday, February 29, 2016


And the earth keeps spinning. Time keeps on moving no matter how you are feeling or doing and it’s going to feel like people are surpassing you. Life isn’t going to give you anything for free anymore. Life isn’t going to hold your hand either. People are going to achieve what you thought you would’ve achieved by now. And some people are going to seem like they have it all when you feel like you haven’t even begun anything. And it’s going to feel scary and you’re anxiety will probably hit a peak, but it’s all going to be okay.

What my childhood self didn’t realize is that everyone is on their own path and sometimes, your path might take longer than others. Looking at another person’s success isn’t going to make your life any easier, so you might as well stop looking because no matter what other people may have in their life, that doesn’t make you any less of an important and amazing person. So what if you still live with your parents? So what if you don’t have the job of your dreams yet? The path you create for yourself isn’t a race to beat anyone in. It’s a journey you have to go only for your own self.

Looking at another person’s success isn’t going to make your life any easier, so you might as well stop. No one can prepare us for what obstacles we will go through, what heartbreak we will experience and what hard days we will have to endure. We can’t study it in a book or learn about it from a teacher. But, what we can do is have patience and faith in ourselves that we will get to where we want to be eventually. We will all do great things with our lives no matter how small or large it might seem to others. Life should never be about the size of your paycheck, the car you drive and the home you live in. It’s about creating your own path and future, taking pride in yourself and never letting the people next to you make you feel like you’re not good enough.


One of the articles that speak about the issues close to my heart. I'm glad I have already known this for a long time but time and time again I have to remind myself this. 

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