
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Question of the day.

Here's a food for thought. "Style for thought" actually.

Would you consider someone having great style by wearing just a one-piece outfit? Does it qualify as being stylish? In my opinion, I really don't see someone donning on a single item (be it a extraordinary looking one) as a stylish person. Style, in my world, is whereby different individual pieces are being put together by one. Thereby giving the "complete outfit" a life of its own.

I've recently read an article about personal style. And it struck me that I myself can't really classify what exactly is my style. There's so many ways to be classified as. There is the feminine lady to the avant grande The article mentioned somewhere along the line that your friends might have said before, "Oh this is so you!" or "This is completely your style la!" (Singlish intended) So what can I say. Most of my friends identify anything studs, spikes, leather as my kind of thing. Yes, no doubt about that. But given the 3 words, studs, spikes, leather, I imagine one as a rock star. A full-on rock star. Which, I am obviously not.

So who am I again? I have no idea, yet. What I know is that whatever I'm wearing on a particular day, it's me. I don't have an identity. I'm a mix cow with many love for fashion. Somedays I'm as plain as a plain jane. Others, I just wanna dress up all the way.

How about you out there?

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