
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Learn To Breathe

Recently I've realised that I have become easily ticked off. I don't know what's wrong but I've been making a conscious effort to control myself whenever that happens. So here's to myself.

Do not have any expectations of others. That is the No. 1 rule. Expectations leads to disappointments. That's a fact. Do yourself a favour and throw expectations out of the window.

Slow down. Never thought I'd say this. But I reckon being busy does make me lose control of myself.

Feel the magical feeling of being amazed, intrigued and all kinds of wonderful. I read from somewhere that these kind of feelings are good for you! Just finished watching The Little Prince animation movie and I must say I was touched. It was a magical movie. And yesterday's Totem show was absolutely breathe-taking. Especially when that couple did the skating show. It was so lovely beyond words. It made me feel all fuzzy and tingling just looking at that scene. It just invokes all kinds of romance in me.

Don't hold it against anyone. When someone didn't get what you say, just repeat. When people's service is not up to standard, still say thank you.

Understand that it is alright not to be perfect. Sometimes I find that I have to be the really nice person no matter what. Don't ask me why I feel this way. I just do. Maybe it's because of my job. I digress. Really, I'm not perfect. I'm not the nicest person and I'm not the kindest person around. I don't know why I have such high expectations of myself. So to myself, you can cut yourself some slack. We are just humans.

With that, I rest my case. Looking forward to my birthday and christmas celebrations next month!

PS or maybe it's time to find me some love.

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