
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Never Finding Love (via thoughtcatalog)

What if you peered into a fortune ball right now – this very second, today – and saw with indisputable clarity that you were never going to meet the love of your life?


You’ve been hoping to meet “The One” for a while now – or at least someone half-decent who you can deal with for the rest of your life. I know, I know. You’re not fanciful like everyone else. You don’t believe in soul mates. But you were expecting to meet someone you liked a fair amount. We all hope that. We’re human.

Because here’s the thing about finding love – it affects us constantly. And we all loathe admitting it. But love is on the forefront of our actions even when it’s not on the forefront of our minds. It’s the reason you bought those new jeans last week.

Never finding love would be a game-changer for most of us. One we’d initially consider to be devastating but may eventually realize is the ultimate liberation. Without the fear of ending up alone, the opportunities open to you would become endless. You could live on every continent. You could go back to school and get that degree you’ve always felt interested in, without worrying about the financial burden your debt may place on somebody else. Love holds us back in an infinite amount of subtle ways that perhaps we do not even realize.

And the guarantee of its absence may just be the ultimate sense of liberation. Because if we didn’t have to search for the love of our lives, we would finally be free to realize that we are allowed to be the loves of our own.

That we can spend our lives developing ourselves, challenging ourselves, pampering ourselves and building ourselves up to be bigger, more capable people than we ever once hoped to become.

If there’s one thing we all need to stop doing, it’s waiting around for someone else to show up and change our lives.

(via thoughtcatalog)

PS A very interesting read. There's a lot to ponder about from this article.

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