
Saturday, September 14, 2013

One F* Summer

Lately I've been wearing more of black and white. But nothing stops me from a burst of colours like this neon yellow sheer socks. I adore it so much. It's an instant mood lifter I'm telling you.


So now, on to another topic that has been occupying my mind. How do you define beauty? Is it all about the superficial or is it about the heart. With the "trend" of plastic surgery taking over the whole world by storm, I find myself questioning what exactly makes one beautiful. Is it the perfect silicon body, or that manga eyes and ultra-sharp nose? With more and more clones out there, how do you compare. And how would you even compare if you are not one of those supposedly "gorgeous" one? 

While some thinks the idea of plastic surgery is taboo, what about makeup? Isn't makeup artificial as well? With so many tools out there to beautify one. One can change their looks 180 degrees.

So with that. Is there really a difference between plastic surgery and makeup? I don't see any difference. But yet I appreciate the natural features sans makeup. I see that as what makes us an individual. Something unique.

I guess there is no point going the extreme mile to make yourself more beautiful when there is always someone even more beautiful (superficially). Whatever it is, find your comfort zone where you are your only Queen. With surgery or without, with makeup or without. Whichever makes you happiest, do it.


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